The New Hampshire Silver Jackets Team announces the release of the NH Flood Hazards Handbook, a new guide designed to help community officials prepare for, respond to, and recover from floods. The handbook includes guidance, best practices, and information about available federal and state resources organized into situation-specific sections: Before the Flood, During the Flood, and After the Flood. Also included is a customizable Flood Response and Recovery Checklist that can be used by municipal officials to identify and manage priority activities when a flood event does happen.
Municipal officials are encouraged to download a copy of the handbook from the NH Silver Jackets Team website at and learn how it can help them improve their community’s resilience to future floods.
The NH Silver Jackets is a state-led team formed in 2015 which brings together state and federal agencies to focus on flood risk management issues that affect NH communities. The team includes representatives from over 15 agencies and programs.
New Hampshire Floodplain Management Program
[Land Use]
The New Hampshire Municipal Association (NHMA) and the New
Hampshire Office of Strategic Initiatives (OSI) will be co-hosting the Fall
2019 Land Use Law Conference on Saturday October 5 at the Holiday Inn in
Concord. The full day workshop is intended for municipal officials with an
interest in or responsibility for municipal land use regulation including members
of planning and zoning boards, planners, land use administrators, select
boards, town and city councilors, building inspectors, code enforcement
officers and public works personnel. Registration is $100 and will open Tuesday, August 20th. Registration includes continental breakfast, lunch,
and program materials.
View agenda here:
Register here:
[Land Use]
The Regional Impact Subcommittee of the Rockingham Planning Commission will meet at 4:00 PM on November 5th at the Exeter Public Library to discuss the proposed expansion of Lonza facilities at the Pease Tradeport as per the NH RSA 36:54-58 established process. As explained in RSA 36:54-58, a determination of regional impact affords the abutting communities and the regional planning commission the status of abutter. It is also an opportunity to broaden the scope of review and in doing so, gain additional input and technical support in the review of large, complex development proposals and evaluate potential effects on inter-municipal agreements. During this meeting, the subcommittee will hear a presentation on the proposal, as well as concerns from abutters and the general public. RPC will provide findings from the review and the meeting to the host community to aid in its review of the project. Further RPC guidance can be found on the RPC Regional Impacts webpage.
Agenda - 11/5/2018 Developments of Regional Impact Subcommittee
[Land Use]
RPC has compiled historical land use data for communities in the RPC region for the years 1962, 1974, 1998, 2005, 2010, and 2015. Data for the year 2015 has been included in the updated data compilation. Each community’s data can be accessed via the community pages on the RPC website under “Relevant Documents”. Data for the overall RPC region is available on the RPC communities main page, accessed via the same link.
Land use data is derived from high-resolution image sources, which is used to create land use data layers for the region via the NH Land Use Mapping Standard. The resulting data consists of 14 categories of land use types, which have been quantified in acres per community per year, as noted.
For additional information on the mapping standard or the available land use information, please contact RPC personnel: Robert Pruyne or Christian Matthews
[Land Use]
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