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Congestion Mitigation & Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ)

The Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ) is one of the main sources of federal funding available through NHDOT that communities can access to support traffic flow improvements, alternative fuel infrastructure, and expanded transit, transportation demand management and non-motorized transportation options that can lead people to switch modes and avoid automobile trips.

CMAQ is a reimbursement program wherein communities can access up to 80% federal funding for local projects. Project sponsors must provide a minimum of 20% non-federal matching funding. Approximately $30 million in federal funding is available during the 2022-2023 CMAQ funding round.

The overall purpose of CMAQ is support projects would result in an air quality benefit and are likely to contribute to the attainment of national ambient air quality standards. The maximum Federal share for a project proposal in the 2022-2023 CMAQ round is $2.4 million. Communities can use local or other funding sources for more expensive projects.

In Fall 2022 NHDOT initiated the current round of CMAQ funding. Letters of Interest were due to NHDOT by 11/4/2022 and full proposals by 1/6/2023. Proposals are reviewed and ranked by MPO staff, the MPO Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) and MPO Policy Committee, and then forwarded to NHDOT for statewide consideration. Eleven project proposals were received in the RPC region and are summarized in a table here.

Six of these were for Electric Vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure. Action on these is being deferred temporarily while NHDOT clarifies a range of eligibility questions with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). Full proposal materials for the remaining five projects are linked below:

Electric vehicle charging infrastructure proposals temporarily deferred:

  • Portsmouth Level 3 Charging Stations
  • Stratham Level 2 Charging Stations
  • Revision Energy Level 3 Charging Stations at Portsmouth Market Basket
  • Nouria Energy Level 3 Charging Station in Exeter
  • Nouria Energy Level 3 Charging Stations in Salem
  • New Sunset Realty Level 3 Charging Stations in Raymond

Note that in order to receive CMAQ funding, municipalities must appoint a project manager who is a town/city employee to complete training on NHDOT’s Local Public Agency (LPA) grant management process. An LPA certification workshop is anticipated for April 2023. See NHDOT’s Local Public Agency (LPA) Certification page for more information.

For further information contact Scott Bogle at ( or 603-658-0515; or go to the